MicroSoft Word specialization- a word formatting opportunity!
Microsoft Word is ubiquitous. Nearly every company and service provider on Earth uses Microsoft Word in some capacity, from menial secretarial work to full-blown web publishing and presentation management. Government agencies the world over prefer Microsoft Word to competing word processing programs due to the increased security and frequent software updates that accompany the program, and Word is second only to Windows in terms of overall popularity among Microsoft software offerings.
Knowing all of this, it might be surprising to learn that over two thirds of the people using Microsoft Word in a professional capacity do not understand or utilize the full capability of the program. Most Word users simply plink away producing simple documents and letters, completely oblivious to the wealth of automation, indexing, template fabrication, and formatting options that Microsoft Word offers. Word can move a document through an entire life cycle without changing format, from the creation stage, through multiple rounds of editing, to formatting and finishing, and finally Word can integrate directly with most forms of publishing software, allowing users to click a button and send a Word document straight onto the web.
Even more interesting, it seems that users outside America have been quicker to capitalize on the functionality of Microsoft Word, and a host of domestic American companies outsource publishing and editing services to companies in India, China, and Eastern Europe on a daily basis. In fact, the overall ignorance of Word capabilities across America has created a cottage industry ”“ many publishing and editing service providers offer comprehensive virtual assistance and training programs in Microsoft Word and related software programs.
While the irony of American companies learning how to use an American software program from foreign companies is remarkable, the lesson is powerful ”“ reliable and effective opportunities for learning how to unleash the full potential of Microsoft Word are few and far between in the States, and more than one enterprising company has found a large and receptive audience of business to business customers by tutoring executives and secretarial pools alike on the features and functionality of Microsoft Word.
But the most important lesson to learn here is fairly straightforward, and aimed at companies picking up outsourcing contracts from American businesses. If you’re looking for a rewarding niche in the American market, your first task is to master Microsoft Word. By acquiring an expertise in America’s foremost word processing program ”“ an expertise that equals or exceeds the capabilities of most domestic American workers ”“ the longevity of your outsourcing contract is assured.
– Data Czar @ DEO
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